It is now offically fall break. Dr. Gregg just let us out early (thank you thank you thank you!) and I have 45 minutes to kill till workstudy.
SWU now has facebook! It's so addective.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
ryan: oh my serious, are you goodness! i miss home
me: ryan
ryan: yes...?
ryan: what?
me: you were making fun of me
ryan: um no i wasnt...
ryan: misses pops out of nowhere and lands right in front of you
ryan: lol
me: haha
ryan: O:-)
Why must I be eternally tourtured for one moment of stupidity?!? That was THREE YEARS AGO, people! *coughryanandlauracough*
me: ryan
ryan: yes...?
ryan: what?
me: you were making fun of me
ryan: um no i wasnt...
ryan: misses pops out of nowhere and lands right in front of you
ryan: lol
me: haha
ryan: O:-)
Why must I be eternally tourtured for one moment of stupidity?!? That was THREE YEARS AGO, people! *coughryanandlauracough*
Monday, September 26, 2005
Violet Devereaux: Child, I believe you broke my legs.
I saw "The Skeleton Key" last night, and oh buddy it freaked me out. I had my legs up on the row infront of me so I could hide behind them :-) I really liked the end, though. I want to see it again, just not on a big screen.
I saw "The Skeleton Key" last night, and oh buddy it freaked me out. I had my legs up on the row infront of me so I could hide behind them :-) I really liked the end, though. I want to see it again, just not on a big screen.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Quote of the day: "You're in college?!?" ~Chris, my lovable-yet-so-incredably-out-of-it cousin...whose brother and I had our graduation party TOGETHER!!
hahaha - I love Chris. He has changed a lot over the years. He used to be such a brat (he kicked me in the shins w/ steel toed boots till I cried when we were little, and I'm 4 years older than him), and he has really matured a lot. Aunt Darlene and gang went to my house for lunch today and I brought Britt and Mitch with me. It was a ton of fun and the food was sooooo good. Mashed potatoes, turkey, gravey, brockli, mixed veggies, breadsticks AND rolls (I was in heaven), and to-die-for chocolate cake. yum!
Last night was another late night in Britt's room reading after going to a movie with my sis (yay!), Marette, and another girl whose name I can't remember (sorry!). Doing anything with Marette is an adventure, and last night was no exception. When I drove up to the theater she was standing on the sidewalk in a renasance dress curtseying to passing cars. AND my armrest in the movie was loose, even more so than the one from last time. I was so tempted...:-D
hahaha - I love Chris. He has changed a lot over the years. He used to be such a brat (he kicked me in the shins w/ steel toed boots till I cried when we were little, and I'm 4 years older than him), and he has really matured a lot. Aunt Darlene and gang went to my house for lunch today and I brought Britt and Mitch with me. It was a ton of fun and the food was sooooo good. Mashed potatoes, turkey, gravey, brockli, mixed veggies, breadsticks AND rolls (I was in heaven), and to-die-for chocolate cake. yum!
Last night was another late night in Britt's room reading after going to a movie with my sis (yay!), Marette, and another girl whose name I can't remember (sorry!). Doing anything with Marette is an adventure, and last night was no exception. When I drove up to the theater she was standing on the sidewalk in a renasance dress curtseying to passing cars. AND my armrest in the movie was loose, even more so than the one from last time. I was so tempted...:-D
Saturday, September 24, 2005
4 AMish lobby nights
Quote of the night:
The RA: "Are you just friends or SWU friends?"
The girl (not me!): "Define SWU friends."
Poker guy: "Married"
Haha...last night was so much fun. I went out to eat with Kristie, Kim, Sarah, and Britt and then with Sarah to the homecoming football game, which was depressing cause there really wasn't that many people there from last year. I found out that Steven may be coming to SWU!! yay! He cracks me up.
When I got back I found out about the boys soccer initiation. Their hair is all gone!! Britt cried...I don't blame her. They also had to wear boy's tighty whities and mini skirts and run around downtown Clemson yelling about how much they love upperclassmen. hahahaha
At 11 I went to good ole Wal Mart with Britt and Sam cause we were all bored or avoiding people. haha-poor Sam. After we had been there for about thirty minutes he said "I am never going shopping with girls again!" I laughed at him.
Britt bought this hysterical book, He's just not that into you. We read three chapters last night and we're reading more today. It's secular and we kept a "bleeper" (black magic marker) with us while we read, but the majority of the advice is really good. Britt and I both want a guy's perspective on the book, so if you're interested....
I'm really glad I got to hang out with Sarah and Britt last night. It sure was an adventure!! But hey, nothing beats a funny dating book and mac and cheeze at 4:30 am...except sleep.
The RA: "Are you just friends or SWU friends?"
The girl (not me!): "Define SWU friends."
Poker guy: "Married"
Haha...last night was so much fun. I went out to eat with Kristie, Kim, Sarah, and Britt and then with Sarah to the homecoming football game, which was depressing cause there really wasn't that many people there from last year. I found out that Steven may be coming to SWU!! yay! He cracks me up.
When I got back I found out about the boys soccer initiation. Their hair is all gone!! Britt cried...I don't blame her. They also had to wear boy's tighty whities and mini skirts and run around downtown Clemson yelling about how much they love upperclassmen. hahahaha
At 11 I went to good ole Wal Mart with Britt and Sam cause we were all bored or avoiding people. haha-poor Sam. After we had been there for about thirty minutes he said "I am never going shopping with girls again!" I laughed at him.
Britt bought this hysterical book, He's just not that into you. We read three chapters last night and we're reading more today. It's secular and we kept a "bleeper" (black magic marker) with us while we read, but the majority of the advice is really good. Britt and I both want a guy's perspective on the book, so if you're interested....
I'm really glad I got to hang out with Sarah and Britt last night. It sure was an adventure!! But hey, nothing beats a funny dating book and mac and cheeze at 4:30 am...except sleep.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
brownie points
brownie points for who can tell me what movie I adapted a quote from in my last post. Tyler, you don't count cause you've seen it WAY to many times and it was directed at you.
Tyler, I shake my head in your general direction.! I'm redoing the wire situation in my room - again. Last time I ruined the milk (sorry Suzanne!), and this time I'm trying to get it so that my computer power cord isn't running across the room. This is going to be challenging... :-\! I'm redoing the wire situation in my room - again. Last time I ruined the milk (sorry Suzanne!), and this time I'm trying to get it so that my computer power cord isn't running across the room. This is going to be challenging... :-\
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
If my profile has been viewed 44 times, why have I gotten only one comment? hmm...
another point for blogger cause I got an email about the comment on the day it was posted! (unlike xanga, which I don't get till the next day)
another point for blogger cause I got an email about the comment on the day it was posted! (unlike xanga, which I don't get till the next day)
Quote of the day: "Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is." ~Francis Bacon
That'd be me...haha. I love my sense of humor, even if no one else seems to get it. It's a hereditary thing, and I'm completly serious. You get my dad, my uncles, my cousin Matt, and me in a room and the laughter never ends.
That'd be me...haha. I love my sense of humor, even if no one else seems to get it. It's a hereditary thing, and I'm completly serious. You get my dad, my uncles, my cousin Matt, and me in a room and the laughter never ends.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
quotes...cause I'm bored
From What A Girl Wants:
Armistead's friend: I'd let her dump tea in my harbor anytime.
Glynnis Payne: Now Daphne, we don't want to make a scene now, do we? Libby Reynolds: Take your hand off my daughter or you won't get a scene, you'll get a Broadway Musical!
From Robin Hood:
Sis: Oh, he's so handsome... just like his reward posters.
Hiss: Sire! Sire! They may be bandits.
Prince John: Oh, poppycock. Female bandits? What next? Rubbish.
Friar Tuck: Oh, for heaven's sake, son. You're no outlaw. Why, someday, you'll be called a great hero.
Robin Hood: A hero? Did you hear that, Johnny? We've just been pardoned! Little John: Oh, that's a gas. We ain't even been arrested yet.
Robin Hood: Rob? Tsk tsk tsk. That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it.
Little John: Borrow? Boy, are we in debt.
Clucky:Take that, you scurvy knave!
Prince John: Seize the fat one!
Little John: Hey! Who's drivin' this flyin' umbrella?
Skippy: You gotta take the oath.
Toby: The oath?
Tagalong: Put your hand on your heart and cross your eyes.
Skippy: Spider, snakes and a lizard head.
Toby: [repeats] Spider, snakes and a lizard's head.
Skippy: If I tattletale, I'll die till I'm dead.
Toby: [repeats] If I tattletale, I'll die till I'm dead.
Toby: I'm scared of Prince John. He's cranky.
Sheriff of Nottingham: Well, Trigger. Everything's rigged up and all set. Trigger: Yep, it's one of the prettiest scaffolds you ever built, Sheriff.
Nutsy: Sheriff, don't you reckon you should give that trap door a test? [pulls a lever and opens the trap door, allowing the Sheriff to fall in]
Sheriff of Nottingham: Criminently, now I know why your mama called you "Nutsy".
From Grease:
Danny: You can't just walk out of a drive-in!
Frenchy: Doody, how do I look?
Doody: Like a beautiful blonde pineapple!
Sonny: When a guy picks a chick over his buddies, something's gotta be wrong. Come on, guys let's go for some pizza.
Rizzo: I've got so many hickies people will think I'm a leper.
Kenickie: Relax... A hickie from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!
Doody: The problem's in this rubber band engine.
Kenickie: The problem's in your mouth.
Sonny: Kenickie, got any Scotch tape?
Danny: Uh, I'm not very hungry; just gimme a double Polar Burger wit' everything and a cherry soda wit' chocolate ice cream.
Principal McGee: We have pictures of you so-called mooners. And just because the pictures aren't of your faces doesn't mean we can't identify you. At this very moment those pictures are on their way to Washington where the FBI has experts in this type of identification. If you turn yourselves in now, you may escape a Federal charge.
Frenchy: Men are rats, listen to me, they're fleas on rats, worse than that, they're amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they're too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.
From Say Anything:
Lloyd Dobler: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.
Diane Court: Nobody thinks it will work, do they?
Lloyd Dobler: No. You just described every great success story.
Corey Flood: Diane Court doesn't go out with guys like you. She's a brain.
D.C.: Trapped in the body of a game-show hostess.
Mike Cameron: I don't know you very well, you know, but I wanted to ask you - how'd you get Diane Court to go out with you?
Lloyd Dobler: I called her up.
Mike Cameron: But how come it worked? I mean, like, what are you?
Lloyd Dobler: I'm Lloyd Dobler.
Mike Cameron: This is great. This gives me hope. Thanks.
Diane Court: I just can't have any social life right now.
Lloyd Dobler: Don't worry about it. We're just having coffee. We'll be anti-social.
Diane Court: Be friends?
Lloyd Dobler: Yeah. With potential.
Lloyd Dobler: I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?
Joe: By choice, man.
D.C.: Lloyd, why do you have to be like this?
Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride.
Corey Flood: You're not a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: I am.
Corey Flood: No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy.
D.C.: Why don't you just call her again?
Lloyd Dobler: I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
Lloyd Dobler: Just knowing that a version like that exists, knowing that just for a minute she felt that and wrote "I can't help loving you". That has to be worth something.
Corey Flood: I'm sorry, it's just that you're a really nice guy and we don't want to see you get hurt.
Lloyd Dobler: I want to get hurt!
Armistead's friend: I'd let her dump tea in my harbor anytime.
Glynnis Payne: Now Daphne, we don't want to make a scene now, do we? Libby Reynolds: Take your hand off my daughter or you won't get a scene, you'll get a Broadway Musical!
From Robin Hood:
Sis: Oh, he's so handsome... just like his reward posters.
Hiss: Sire! Sire! They may be bandits.
Prince John: Oh, poppycock. Female bandits? What next? Rubbish.
Friar Tuck: Oh, for heaven's sake, son. You're no outlaw. Why, someday, you'll be called a great hero.
Robin Hood: A hero? Did you hear that, Johnny? We've just been pardoned! Little John: Oh, that's a gas. We ain't even been arrested yet.
Robin Hood: Rob? Tsk tsk tsk. That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it.
Little John: Borrow? Boy, are we in debt.
Clucky:Take that, you scurvy knave!
Prince John: Seize the fat one!
Little John: Hey! Who's drivin' this flyin' umbrella?
Skippy: You gotta take the oath.
Toby: The oath?
Tagalong: Put your hand on your heart and cross your eyes.
Skippy: Spider, snakes and a lizard head.
Toby: [repeats] Spider, snakes and a lizard's head.
Skippy: If I tattletale, I'll die till I'm dead.
Toby: [repeats] If I tattletale, I'll die till I'm dead.
Toby: I'm scared of Prince John. He's cranky.
Sheriff of Nottingham: Well, Trigger. Everything's rigged up and all set. Trigger: Yep, it's one of the prettiest scaffolds you ever built, Sheriff.
Nutsy: Sheriff, don't you reckon you should give that trap door a test? [pulls a lever and opens the trap door, allowing the Sheriff to fall in]
Sheriff of Nottingham: Criminently, now I know why your mama called you "Nutsy".
From Grease:
Danny: You can't just walk out of a drive-in!
Frenchy: Doody, how do I look?
Doody: Like a beautiful blonde pineapple!
Sonny: When a guy picks a chick over his buddies, something's gotta be wrong. Come on, guys let's go for some pizza.
Rizzo: I've got so many hickies people will think I'm a leper.
Kenickie: Relax... A hickie from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!
Doody: The problem's in this rubber band engine.
Kenickie: The problem's in your mouth.
Sonny: Kenickie, got any Scotch tape?
Danny: Uh, I'm not very hungry; just gimme a double Polar Burger wit' everything and a cherry soda wit' chocolate ice cream.
Principal McGee: We have pictures of you so-called mooners. And just because the pictures aren't of your faces doesn't mean we can't identify you. At this very moment those pictures are on their way to Washington where the FBI has experts in this type of identification. If you turn yourselves in now, you may escape a Federal charge.
Frenchy: Men are rats, listen to me, they're fleas on rats, worse than that, they're amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they're too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.
From Say Anything:
Lloyd Dobler: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.
Diane Court: Nobody thinks it will work, do they?
Lloyd Dobler: No. You just described every great success story.
Corey Flood: Diane Court doesn't go out with guys like you. She's a brain.
D.C.: Trapped in the body of a game-show hostess.
Mike Cameron: I don't know you very well, you know, but I wanted to ask you - how'd you get Diane Court to go out with you?
Lloyd Dobler: I called her up.
Mike Cameron: But how come it worked? I mean, like, what are you?
Lloyd Dobler: I'm Lloyd Dobler.
Mike Cameron: This is great. This gives me hope. Thanks.
Diane Court: I just can't have any social life right now.
Lloyd Dobler: Don't worry about it. We're just having coffee. We'll be anti-social.
Diane Court: Be friends?
Lloyd Dobler: Yeah. With potential.
Lloyd Dobler: I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?
Joe: By choice, man.
D.C.: Lloyd, why do you have to be like this?
Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride.
Corey Flood: You're not a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: I am.
Corey Flood: No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy.
D.C.: Why don't you just call her again?
Lloyd Dobler: I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
Lloyd Dobler: Just knowing that a version like that exists, knowing that just for a minute she felt that and wrote "I can't help loving you". That has to be worth something.
Corey Flood: I'm sorry, it's just that you're a really nice guy and we don't want to see you get hurt.
Lloyd Dobler: I want to get hurt!
I actually went to chappel, but it was the wrong one...and I really didn't want to walk into Ellenburg late, cause everyone sees you. So here I am, lazing about and being bored. I should work on stuff for computers, or even the essay due next class, but it's not gonna happen. here's the days schedule:
- 11:45 - honors freshman seminar
- sometime between HFS and WCL - lunch
- 1:10 - World Cultural Lit
- 2:30-4:30 - work study in admissions
- 6:45-9 - phone-a-thon
- 7-11 - VISITATION!!
Monday, September 19, 2005
I have to go to tri county cause they're dumb and won't accept faxed transcript requests...grrr.
You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
I love my fairy godmother
Suzi's the greatest.
fuzziebear87: if i was a guy i'd be over there right now
fuzziebear87: proposing to you
fuzziebear87: haha
fuzziebear87: but seriously
fuzziebear87: you're AWESOME!!!
ananaslexi: haha
fuzziebear87: i'll marry you
fuzziebear87: lol
ananaslexi: yay!
fuzziebear87: lol
fuzziebear87: so when's the wedding?
ananaslexi: about tomorrow? we can elope!!!
fuzziebear87: yes:-)what i've always wanted
fuzziebear87: if i was a guy i'd be over there right now
fuzziebear87: proposing to you
fuzziebear87: haha
fuzziebear87: but seriously
fuzziebear87: you're AWESOME!!!
ananaslexi: haha
fuzziebear87: i'll marry you
fuzziebear87: lol
ananaslexi: yay!
fuzziebear87: lol
fuzziebear87: so when's the wedding?
ananaslexi: about tomorrow? we can elope!!!
fuzziebear87: yes:-)what i've always wanted
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Habitat, babysitting, and ROLL TIDE!!!
So after my late night last night I got up and worked at the Habitat for Humanity for about 4 to 5 hours this morning. I had fun and the lady the house is for, Tracy, is a sweet heart. I am deffinatly going back to help finish up. The move in date is October 8th, so I started a little late, but that's ok.
After that I came back to my room and collapsed for two hours, and now I'm babysitting for my cousins. We went to McDonald's for dinner...oh joy. haha. I love them, but when they're tired and won't admit it and I'm tired it gets frustrating.
BAMA BEAT USC!!! That's right, the Cocks went down! ROLL TIDE!!!
After that I came back to my room and collapsed for two hours, and now I'm babysitting for my cousins. We went to McDonald's for dinner...oh joy. haha. I love them, but when they're tired and won't admit it and I'm tired it gets frustrating.
BAMA BEAT USC!!! That's right, the Cocks went down! ROLL TIDE!!!
Wow, last night was an experience. I had a lot of fun, it was just weird to be surrounded by people I don't know. The car ride was crazy, but I learned a lot :-). Here's a song I heard and absoutely LOVED. It's "Once You've Learned to be Lonely" by Reba McEntire:
You're asking me to open up
I'm tryin' my best to give enough
To keep this love alive
It wouldn't be so hard for me to do
If it hadn't have been for all my heart's been through
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
It becomes a habit of the heart
To be afraid and even start
To try and love again
I want to give you myself to you
But I've been alone that
I'm scared to move
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
I've built walls but I feel them falling down
Touch by touch your love is my way out
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
You're asking me to open up
I'm tryin' my best to give enough
To keep this love alive
It wouldn't be so hard for me to do
If it hadn't have been for all my heart's been through
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
It becomes a habit of the heart
To be afraid and even start
To try and love again
I want to give you myself to you
But I've been alone that
I'm scared to move
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
I've built walls but I feel them falling down
Touch by touch your love is my way out
But once you've learned to be lonely
And lonely is the only thing you've known
It begins to feel like home
It becomes your comfort zone
Once you've learned to be without someone
And settle for the silence of an empty room
Oh,it changes you
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
There's a lot you have to undo
Once you've learned to be lonely
Friday, September 16, 2005
A movie, pillows, and flowers
Quote of the day: Jack Llewelyn Davies: My name be Nibs the Cutthroat, feared by man and greatly desired by the ladies.
Finding Neverland is a WONDERFUL movie. The realness of Barrie's imagination is amazing, and yes, I did cry at the end. It was soooo good. I've got two scratches and a bruise from the pillow fight afterwards, but it was worth it. Then the flower analogies....hahahaha. My stomach still hurts from laughing so hard last night.
I went to the Chiropractor this morning, and now my TMJ isn't bothering me at all, thank goodness. I can open my mouth fully and it doesn't pop my jaw!!
It's almost class time, so I'd better check and make sure there isn't anything due today...
Finding Neverland is a WONDERFUL movie. The realness of Barrie's imagination is amazing, and yes, I did cry at the end. It was soooo good. I've got two scratches and a bruise from the pillow fight afterwards, but it was worth it. Then the flower analogies....hahahaha. My stomach still hurts from laughing so hard last night.
I went to the Chiropractor this morning, and now my TMJ isn't bothering me at all, thank goodness. I can open my mouth fully and it doesn't pop my jaw!!
It's almost class time, so I'd better check and make sure there isn't anything due today...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Yay I figured it out!
Quote of the day: USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population. - David Letterman
YES! I figured out how to make the titles appear, and I think the list of links as well.
It's 8:30ish, I have a lab at 11 and a test at 12:30. yipee. I should go study...
YES! I figured out how to make the titles appear, and I think the list of links as well.
It's 8:30ish, I have a lab at 11 and a test at 12:30. yipee. I should go study...
Quote of the day: Listening to Andy when call after call he got nothing during the phone drive
In honor of tonight:
I got this thing for Nancy Drew
Her hair is blonde her eyes are blue.
Yeah, I think that I'm falling in love.
I wish she'd say she'd marry me,
and why she won't is a mystery.
Yeah, I know its me she thinks of.
Nancy Drew, I love you (Yes I do).
One time these criminals with their guns-
they thought it would be fun to try and kill my Nancy Drew.
I jumped out and saved her life,
then asked her to be my wife.
She said, "No, I'll never marry you!"
It's a really big mystery.
I'll put the Hardy Boys on the case.
Cause no time in history
has someone denied my face.
~Reliant K
In honor of tonight:
I got this thing for Nancy Drew
Her hair is blonde her eyes are blue.
Yeah, I think that I'm falling in love.
I wish she'd say she'd marry me,
and why she won't is a mystery.
Yeah, I know its me she thinks of.
Nancy Drew, I love you (Yes I do).
One time these criminals with their guns-
they thought it would be fun to try and kill my Nancy Drew.
I jumped out and saved her life,
then asked her to be my wife.
She said, "No, I'll never marry you!"
It's a really big mystery.
I'll put the Hardy Boys on the case.
Cause no time in history
has someone denied my face.
~Reliant K
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
So I'm bored...
How You Are In Love |
![]() You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You give completely and unconditionally in relationships. You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
Your Inner Child Is Surprised |
![]() You see many things through the eyes of a child. Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded. You cherish all of the details in life. Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. |
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() Your Superhero Name is The Doctor Hurricane Your Superpower is Technology Your Weakness is Balloons Your Weapon is Your Light Dagger Your Mode of Transportation is Teleporter |
You Are Likely an Only Child |
![]() At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated. At work and school, you do best when you're organizing. When you love someone, you tend to worry about them. In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic. Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management. You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books. |
hahaha...Only child? Yeah right.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Quote of the day: "If this unfortunate car could talk, it would probably say,'Uh-oh, looks I've got a smidge of skank on my hood.'" ~from a site making fun of celeb's clothing...can you tell I'm bored?
So I'm at home doing homework (yeah right) and my laundry from the last two weeks. What's sad about that is that I still have a ton of clean clothes in my dorm room. My sister is somewhere washing vintage cars, Granmother is around somewhere, and mom and dad escaped for the weekend.
Guess I should start printing out study help for my Psychology test. Not looking forward to that, let me tell ya.
So I'm at home doing homework (yeah right) and my laundry from the last two weeks. What's sad about that is that I still have a ton of clean clothes in my dorm room. My sister is somewhere washing vintage cars, Granmother is around somewhere, and mom and dad escaped for the weekend.
Guess I should start printing out study help for my Psychology test. Not looking forward to that, let me tell ya.
The best away message ever:
"Today we salute you, Mr. Compulsive Away Message Checker. While most people are out actually having a fun life, you are at home reading about it on your computer screen. Right mouse click, Get Buddy Info, or the little Info box at the bottom of the Buddy List. You have people on that list you haven't talked to in years, but you still loyally read their away messages every day to see what they're up to (borderline stalking). So, crack open an ice cold Coca-Cola, Marauder of the Mouse Pad, and don't wander too far from your computer because you never know when someone's away message may change." ~Jeffrey's away message
And yes, I know that this means that I read people's away messages...
"Today we salute you, Mr. Compulsive Away Message Checker. While most people are out actually having a fun life, you are at home reading about it on your computer screen. Right mouse click, Get Buddy Info, or the little Info box at the bottom of the Buddy List. You have people on that list you haven't talked to in years, but you still loyally read their away messages every day to see what they're up to (borderline stalking). So, crack open an ice cold Coca-Cola, Marauder of the Mouse Pad, and don't wander too far from your computer because you never know when someone's away message may change." ~Jeffrey's away message
And yes, I know that this means that I read people's away messages...
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