Well, I'm finally packed and waiting for my ride to Orlando! I can't wait to be there and I'm going to love getting to spend time with Heath, Karen, and the girls on the ride down and tomorrow.
I have a bad habbit of making these conventions "mountian high" experiences and going down hill right afterwards. I truly want to keep that high, that drive to give it all to God no matter what. This trip holds so many memories, as the last time we were in Orlando for a convention Chrissy was still with us. She died soon after we returned from an anurisim. I will never forget our room that year: me, Chrissy, Kara, June, and Kathryn. A hard time for me this semester was when another girl from our youth group had an anurism, and praise God that she has recovered, and I think may be going on the trip.
I am a chaparone this time, which is a lot of responisibility. That along with working at Izone and possibly the SWU table will put me in contact with so many people. I pray that I can be a good leader for the girls in my room and a christian example to the people I come in contact with. I thank God for the way things worked out making it posssible for me to go. I owe it all to Him, something I'm ashamed to say I tend to forget.
As soon as I return from Orlando it's off to Myrtle Beach for Bross family Christmas, so it may be a while before I post again. I am taking my computer and will attempt to post while at the beach, but no promises. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, and I hope to see some of you in FL!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
ice and no power
So we lost power yesterday morning and haven't gotten it back yet. Em and I went to Grandma and Grandpa's to take showers and check email and eat real (ie heated, not chips) food. I'm now at mom's office and Em's out with her boyfriend and his family. I'm thinking there's not going to be heat tonight, either, cause I doubt my neighborhood is of great concern to Duke Power when the majority of Pickens County is out. Oh well. As long and we can still do the star wars marathon I'll be happy!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I'm 83% (Dixie), what are you?
click here to take the quiz - it's funny
quote of the day: "i feel like an illegitamte child of the South" ~David
he only got 45% percent. the higher the percentage, the more southern you are, supposedly
click here to take the quiz - it's funny
quote of the day: "i feel like an illegitamte child of the South" ~David
he only got 45% percent. the higher the percentage, the more southern you are, supposedly
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
yay for today
Quote of the day: "I was my highschool's prom queen." ~Josh
I don't remember when he said that, maybe the night we stayed up all night. I just though about it and it made me laugh really hard. (fyi: he was homeschooled)
Today I went to the mall of Georgia with Stephanie. Fun times.
...that's about it.
I don't remember when he said that, maybe the night we stayed up all night. I just though about it and it made me laugh really hard. (fyi: he was homeschooled)
Today I went to the mall of Georgia with Stephanie. Fun times.
...that's about it.
Monday, December 12, 2005
life as I currently know it
Tonight I went to Clolumbo's for dinner with two of my friends from highschool. Another guy from highschool works there, and today's quote of the day is from him:
"I hope our gay waiter wasn't hitting on you. My manager told me (he was) when I got back from delivery, so I thought I'd come warn you." ~Lee
"Oh, that's why he was talking to me so much." ~Tobias
I went to lunch with my mom at Western Sizilin', where the entire third grade from Six Mile Elemantary was eating lunch. Out of 90 students, there were two black kids and one hispanic kid. The really sad part? It only takes 15-20 minutes to get from my elementary school, where there is a diverse student population, to Six Mile Elementary. I am so lucky to have grown up in a more diverse school. I can't imagine what I'd be like today if it weren't for Thelandra and others like her in elementary school. Last year for my teacher cadet class I worked with my old 1st grade teacher, and in that class there were 4 hispanic kids, 4 black kids, an Indian kid, a girl adopted from the Ukraine, and 6 or so white kids. Just imagine how different their outlooks are compared to those 3rd graders.
"I hope our gay waiter wasn't hitting on you. My manager told me (he was) when I got back from delivery, so I thought I'd come warn you." ~Lee
"Oh, that's why he was talking to me so much." ~Tobias
I went to lunch with my mom at Western Sizilin', where the entire third grade from Six Mile Elemantary was eating lunch. Out of 90 students, there were two black kids and one hispanic kid. The really sad part? It only takes 15-20 minutes to get from my elementary school, where there is a diverse student population, to Six Mile Elementary. I am so lucky to have grown up in a more diverse school. I can't imagine what I'd be like today if it weren't for Thelandra and others like her in elementary school. Last year for my teacher cadet class I worked with my old 1st grade teacher, and in that class there were 4 hispanic kids, 4 black kids, an Indian kid, a girl adopted from the Ukraine, and 6 or so white kids. Just imagine how different their outlooks are compared to those 3rd graders.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
sunday findings...
My surname is surname number 14510 in the USA. <-- weird, but cool. I got it here
I have come to realize how much I have gotten used to almost constant sound and things happening around the clock. Here (at home) it's so quiet and calm, and I'm re-adjusting to it. I'm gonna organize my room tomorrow; I still haven't unpacked from the semester. It will give me something to do, at least.
Jeffrey left SWU for good today. He was my favorite person to fight with, and now he's gone. I wish him the best of luck at IWU, but I know his friends already miss him.
quote of the day: "Grooms are like bathrooms at museams. They're necessary, but no one comes to see them." ~my pastor in his sermon today
I have come to realize how much I have gotten used to almost constant sound and things happening around the clock. Here (at home) it's so quiet and calm, and I'm re-adjusting to it. I'm gonna organize my room tomorrow; I still haven't unpacked from the semester. It will give me something to do, at least.
Jeffrey left SWU for good today. He was my favorite person to fight with, and now he's gone. I wish him the best of luck at IWU, but I know his friends already miss him.
quote of the day: "Grooms are like bathrooms at museams. They're necessary, but no one comes to see them." ~my pastor in his sermon today
Saturday, December 10, 2005
weekend update
I'm home! It's wonderful sleeping in my own bed with my cat, not having to wait on the elevator if I want a drink in the middle of the night, not having to put on shoes to take a shower, etc. However, I miss everyone sooo much already. All of my friends from highschool don't finish up till next week, so there's not anyone to hang out with.
BUT! I'll get to see some people from SWU in a little over a week!!!! YAY!!!! haha.
So I went and saw Narnia TWICE yesterday...and it was AMAZING!!! haha. I went Friday afternoon with 5 guys from school. We all piled in Josh's Buick and went to Anderson. I had chills, was tearing up/crying, spazing out, etc. the entire time. Oh man, it was so good. Seeing it again Friday night was wonderful, but my cousin is very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. Afterwards we (my sister, my two cousins, and myself) got a pizza and hung out at their house till our parents got back from the Allison Krauss concert. That's right, my parents went to see her again and didn't take me...again. grr. She's such an amazing artist.
Today was SWU's winter graduation, which means that the band sat through two practically identical ceremonies and played and killed our chops (basically that means our ability to play). Lunch inbetween was fun. Emily, Tina, Sarah, Tyrome, Brian, Mirenda, and I all went to Zaxby's, and Josh's family showed up. The conversation was fun and it was great to hang out with them before we split up for break.
Tonight my family took my Grandmother, Grandma, Grandpa, and G.G. to the Madrical Feast in Greenville. We went last year with my uncle's family, and it's amazing. It's a 7 course feast with intertainment and wenches and footmen as the servers, their's a lord and lady at a high table, a table of singers, jesters, a beggar, a handbell choir, and a children's choir, all in costume. It's a really fun experience, and I can't wait till next year's feast.
Tomorrow's church, and my body's still on the sleep pattern of "lobby til 1:30, bed at 2, wake up at 7." Oh joy. And as soon as I totally unpack and my sleep stablizes, it'll be time to go back to the dorm...oh well!

So I went and saw Narnia TWICE yesterday...and it was AMAZING!!! haha. I went Friday afternoon with 5 guys from school. We all piled in Josh's Buick and went to Anderson. I had chills, was tearing up/crying, spazing out, etc. the entire time. Oh man, it was so good. Seeing it again Friday night was wonderful, but my cousin is very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. Afterwards we (my sister, my two cousins, and myself) got a pizza and hung out at their house till our parents got back from the Allison Krauss concert. That's right, my parents went to see her again and didn't take me...again. grr. She's such an amazing artist.
Today was SWU's winter graduation, which means that the band sat through two practically identical ceremonies and played and killed our chops (basically that means our ability to play). Lunch inbetween was fun. Emily, Tina, Sarah, Tyrome, Brian, Mirenda, and I all went to Zaxby's, and Josh's family showed up. The conversation was fun and it was great to hang out with them before we split up for break.
Tonight my family took my Grandmother, Grandma, Grandpa, and G.G. to the Madrical Feast in Greenville. We went last year with my uncle's family, and it's amazing. It's a 7 course feast with intertainment and wenches and footmen as the servers, their's a lord and lady at a high table, a table of singers, jesters, a beggar, a handbell choir, and a children's choir, all in costume. It's a really fun experience, and I can't wait till next year's feast.
Tomorrow's church, and my body's still on the sleep pattern of "lobby til 1:30, bed at 2, wake up at 7." Oh joy. And as soon as I totally unpack and my sleep stablizes, it'll be time to go back to the dorm...oh well!
Friday, December 09, 2005
I just sat in a car for 20 minutes, and I'm still shaking after seeing the new Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for the first time. That movie was amazing. I laughed, clapped, cried a few times, and had chills running through my body the majority of the movie. I'll go into more detail later, I'm still to much in shock. The best part? I'm going to see it again with my sister and cousins tonight.
I'm leaving the dorm for break...it's so sad!
I'm leaving the dorm for break...it's so sad!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Your Birth Month is November |
![]() Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Compassion, friendship, and secret love Your gemstone: Citrine Your flower: Chrysanthemum Your colors: Dark blue, red, and yellow |
What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
My gemstone is ORANGE/YELLOW TOPAZ!!! grr stupid people...It's very accurate otherwise
Studying for Old Testament...what fun
Studying for Old Testament...what fun
all-nighters are fun...
So it's currently 6:48 in the morning as I write this post. Josh, Jeffrey, Tyler, Clifton, and myself have stayed up all night in the lobby (since the Christmas party at 8:30, to be exact). I admit, I took a nap during the movie, and Jeffrey slept for a while, too.
We're now in the home stretch, with about 40 minutes till breakfast. Afterwards, we're all hitting the sack, and then sometime in the afternoon Sam, Jeffrey, myself, and possibly some others are heading over to the Anderson Mall to do some Christmas shopping. I'm going to be so mad if breakfast sucks today...
We're now in the home stretch, with about 40 minutes till breakfast. Afterwards, we're all hitting the sack, and then sometime in the afternoon Sam, Jeffrey, myself, and possibly some others are heading over to the Anderson Mall to do some Christmas shopping. I'm going to be so mad if breakfast sucks today...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Christmas banquet and the lobby - what else do you need?
Last night was so much fun! We had the Christmas banquet, and then I was in the lobby for about 5 hours where my camera got passed around and I now have some of the most random, hysterical pictures.
My hot date Jessica and me. I love that girl
Britt and I dancing in the Lobby. Britt's caption: "I love you, don't you love me?"
Quite possibly one of the coolest pictures I have ever seen. Josh and Catchphrase. Sadly, I can't take credit for this genius.
And, of course, some of the Stu-Be hotties at the Christmas banquet. I'm going to miss these girls so much over break
Yeah, I love school. Exams have started and that's not fun. The semester is almost over, and I have to say goodbye to everyone for a MONTH!! and Nila's not coming back. It's gonna be hard, but I am looking forward to a month of no school!

Yeah, I love school. Exams have started and that's not fun. The semester is almost over, and I have to say goodbye to everyone for a MONTH!! and Nila's not coming back. It's gonna be hard, but I am looking forward to a month of no school!
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