So I went and saw Narnia TWICE yesterday...and it was AMAZING!!! haha. I went Friday afternoon with 5 guys from school. We all piled in Josh's Buick and went to Anderson. I had chills, was tearing up/crying, spazing out, etc. the entire time. Oh man, it was so good. Seeing it again Friday night was wonderful, but my cousin is very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. Afterwards we (my sister, my two cousins, and myself) got a pizza and hung out at their house till our parents got back from the Allison Krauss concert. That's right, my parents went to see her again and didn't take me...again. grr. She's such an amazing artist.
Today was SWU's winter graduation, which means that the band sat through two practically identical ceremonies and played and killed our chops (basically that means our ability to play). Lunch inbetween was fun. Emily, Tina, Sarah, Tyrome, Brian, Mirenda, and I all went to Zaxby's, and Josh's family showed up. The conversation was fun and it was great to hang out with them before we split up for break.
Tonight my family took my Grandmother, Grandma, Grandpa, and G.G. to the Madrical Feast in Greenville. We went last year with my uncle's family, and it's amazing. It's a 7 course feast with intertainment and wenches and footmen as the servers, their's a lord and lady at a high table, a table of singers, jesters, a beggar, a handbell choir, and a children's choir, all in costume. It's a really fun experience, and I can't wait till next year's feast.
Tomorrow's church, and my body's still on the sleep pattern of "lobby til 1:30, bed at 2, wake up at 7." Oh joy. And as soon as I totally unpack and my sleep stablizes, it'll be time to go back to the dorm...oh well!
1 comment:
Thanks for the comment. Twice, eh?
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